CIMA activity highly relies on research and innovation, and the corresponding department develops projects in order to implement the results of these studies into the strategic knowledge of the company.
Ammong the R+D+i projects currently running are:
– “Cartography: study of the state of conservation of the sebadales of the eastern islands: Lanzarote, Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria”, promoted by the Government of the Canary Islands and co-financed by the FEDER Canary Islands Operational Program (2014-2020).
– Study of the delimitation, characterization and dissemination of the coralligenous community and monitoring of the conservation status of protected algal species of the genera Tretacantha, Carpodesmia and Gelidium
Ongoing projects
At CIMA we develop a series of activities and projects on an ongoing basis. Among which we highlight:

– Plans and programs for Environmental Surveillance and Control of land-sea discharges.

– Taxonomic identification of marine macrofauna and meiofauna and application of Biotic Indices. Accredited by ENAC.

– Fisheries biology studies mainly of the artisanal fleet of the Canary Islands related to the analysis of stocks and catches made with different fishing gear.