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For better achievements
We own necessary materials and human resources for successful completion of our and our clients´ projects.
Here are some of the means we have for conducting our projects. All of them can also be rented (with experienced staff) to use in your research.

Zodiac Rorcual: VALIANT 7.5-meter semi-rigid boat with 150 hp Honda as a primary engine and Mercury 20CV as an auxiliary engine, with capacity for 12 divers.

Chinijo: Wood and fiber boat 9.20 meters long and 3 meters wide with Yanmar main engine of 126.48 hp and Mercury auxiliary engine of 30 hp. She has a bathroom, a cabin and a large cellar for the storage of equipment.

Magec: It is a Model Antares 12 IPS boat of 11.98 meters in length and 3.99 in beam. She has two Volvo Penta engines of 369.92 CV each, in addition to a 1200 W generator set to supply 220 V current to the entire ship’s installation. She has two cabins for 4 people in total each with its own bathroom. And, in addition, it has a davit with a winch to lift or tow devices.
Oceanographic instruments

CTD: This equipment registers conductivity and temperature of water in situ, as well as the depth to which it is submerged, and used for creation of oceanographic profiles of water column. SBE 19plus V2 model has also turbidity, pH and fluorescence sensors, which makes it a versatile multiparameter probe. This equipment reaches 4 Hz, so each parameter is measured four times per second, which gives a very high resolution of the water examined.
Current meter: We own several Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP). This equipment is able to measure the direction and velocity of current in entire water column (0-100 m), dividing it in layers from 0.5m to 4 m wide. ADCP performs up to 2 measurements per second, which provides a detailed profile of currents.

Probe: The multiparameter probe allows the realization of oceanographic profiles for establishment of physicochemical characteristics of water masses. This technology allows obtaining continuous data of water column. The Eureka environmental engineering probe model MANTA2 provides the following information: • Dissolved oxygen • Chlorophyll • Turbidity • pH • Temperature • Salinity / Conductivity • Depth.
Niskin: Oceanographic bottles of 2.5 and 5 liters capacity, with a closure system that allows obtaining water samples at different depths.
Dragas: «Van Veen», «Foster» and «Naturalist» dredges for obtaining sediments, allow obtaining seabed samples for chemical or biological analysis.
Zooplankton and phytoplankton Net: CIMA owns seawater filtering nets with suitable mesh size for phytoplankton or zooplankton samples.

Sonar: Side-scan sonar. Its most common applications include the detailed habitats and seabed communities mapping, location of pipes, viaducts or cables, the search for objects or submerged archaeological sites and the location of shipwrecks.

CIMA currently has a new ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle) with lighting, fullHD camera and that can be submerged up to 100 meters deep for seabed remote inspection.

Photography and video
CIMA has photo and video cameras, stabilizers, underwater cases and illumination required for documenting projects.