From CIMA (Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del Atlántico, S.L.) (Atlantic Environmental Research Center), we want to show you what we do in and out our offices.
On this page you can find a series of small videos called «Things we do in CIMA», which will help us to explain what we do and how we do it. All this to approach the world of marine biology and oceanography.
– «Things we do in CIMA» #11: Fisheries and aquaculture: As you already know, because of our website, some studies we carry out are related to fisheries and aquaculture.
These are pre-operational and environmental monitoring studies for fishing projects and aquaculture cages, that we carry out in order to determine the environmental impact on biological communities.
Some of these studies are aimed at analyzing different fishing gear and techniques used mainly by artisanal fishermen on the islands. Obtained data will be used to propose changes, good practices in their use, etc. with the aim of increasing its sustainability.
We also participate in several R+D+i projects aimed at providing greater strength for fishermen and aquaculture companies, promoting research of new resources, as well as sanitary and environmental controls for bringing significant progress in these sectors.
These studies are constantly and regularly evaluated by the Authorities and constitute a pivotal tool for carrying this activity out in a sustainable way in the coastal marine environment.
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