From CIMA (Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del Atlántico, S.L.) (Atlantic Environmental Research Center), we want to show you what we do in and out our offices.
On this page you can find a series of small videos called «Things we do in CIMA», which will help us to explain what we do and how we do it. All this to approach the world of marine biology and oceanography.
– «Things we do in CIMA» #18: Oceanography:
Oceanography is a science discipline that studies seas and oceans and everything that is related to them, that is, their structure, composition and dynamics, including from physical processes, such as currents and tides, to geological ones, like the sedimentation or the ocean floor expansion, and of course the biological ones.
Within oceanography area, we carry out studies of currents and marine hydrodynamics, discharges dispersion models and studies of pollutants distribution in marine environment.
We have specific software for these studies and develop sampling protocols according to the needs:
– Coastal dynamics studies:
We have hydroacoustic current meter and current profilers as well as software for coastal modeling of currents and dispersion models.
– Water quality studies:
We have multiparametric probes capable for recording oceanographic parameters i.e. temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, chlorophyll and turbidity, used for the determination of coastal waters quality.
We have a CTD that provides continuous data of temperature, depth, conductivity, pH, turbidity and chlorophyll in the water column up to 300m depth and thus allows to obtain oceanographic profiles for determination of vertical structure of water masses.
– Oceanographic and buoyancy buoys:
Among our services we offer installation of oceanographic and buoyancy buoys with 8 sensors for data acquisition and real time communication system with the customer, that can check any sensor at any time, as well as information regarding the state of the buoy, its position, etc.
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