From CIMA (Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del Atlántico, S.L.) (Atlantic Environmental Research Center), we want to show you what we do in and out our offices.
On this page you can find a series of small videos called «Things we do in CIMA», which will help us to explain what we do and how we do it. All this to approach the world of marine biology and oceanography.
– «Things we do in CIMA» #19: Oceanographic Campaign I:
In previous video we have talked about oceanography in general. In this one we will tell you about one of the campaigns we are currently carrying out.
With this project we want to show the presence, distribution, conservation status, pressures and threats of certain communities of the circalittoral ocean floor, between -50 m and at least -120 m deep.
We start by carrying out a bathymetry of the study area (total area was about 250 Km2) with help of a Multibeam Ecosonda. In this other video we have already spoken about how bathymetries are made or, for example, the transects we carry out when preparing the plant species mapping of a certain place. As you know, bathymetry is a key piece when starting a project of many maritime studies, since it allows us to obtain a detailed seabed representation.
These early summer days, after carrying out the bathymetry, we have just finished the side-scan sonar campaign in order to complete the detailed bionomic mapping of the study area.
Once the ocean floor has been mapped, it’s time to carry out a communities identification campaign with underwater video, a samples collection to correctly identify the species that generate doubts and, finally, finish the bionomic mapping with collected data. But we will describe it to you in another video.
But we will describe it to you in another video.
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