Atlantic Environmental Research Center
Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del Atlántico, S.L. is a marine environmental company which develops technical assistance, project management, analysis and marine research.
We are R+D+i
Enter to know more about our R+D+i projects

Fisheries and aquaculture
We carry out pre-operational and environmental monitoring studies for fishing projects and aquaculture cages, in order to determine the environmental […]

Within the oceanographic field we carry out studies of marine hydrodynamics and currents, dispersion spills models and studies of […]

Systematics and biological laboratory: CIMA´s technical means allows identification of biological samples of marine environment (individuals, tissues, etc.) that allows […]

Environmental management and analysis
We provide assistance with maritime-coastal resources management to meet, promote and update the establishment of a legal framework that integrates […]

Education and Outreach plans
We organize and coordinate scientific conferences and congresses. We organize courses focused on the acquisition of knowledge to marine biologists […]

Impact studies and environmental monitoring plans
We coordinate and carry out environmental projects and studies for industries, construction companies and public administrations. We analyze, evaluate and […]

Marine ecology
In Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del Atlántico, S.L. we carry out seabed characterizations (environmental parameters, faunal and vegetal analysis) that […]

Cartography and communities characterization
Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del Atlántico, S.L. owns underwater recording equipment for monitoring and surface communication systems by means of […]

Logistic support
Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del Atlántico, S.L. provides logistic support for conducting your research projects. We offer you the possibility […]
A professional team with extensive experience and diverse specialties: Coastal resources management, management plans and environmental monitoring of discharges to the sea, studies and environmental monitoring, fisheries and aquaculture, communities characterization, coastal and port water quality, marine organisms taxonomy, geomorphological studies, coastal dynamics, currents and dispersion studies, marine pollution and ecotoxicology analysis, conservation, cartography, R+D+i, environmental education, quality, training, communication and dissemination.
Meet all our team
(Sorry, only in Spanish)
Nuestro paso por “Somos científicos y científicas. Sácanos de aquí”
Este año hemos sido elegidos para participar en el proyecto de divulgación científica “Somos científicos y científicas Sácanos de aquí”. […]
Día Internacional de la Madre Tierra
Hoy se celebra el Día Internacional de la Madre Tierra. Sí, así es como denominan a este día desde Naciones […]
Estudio de las amenazas por Lyngbya majuscula en praderas de Cymodocea nodosa del sur de Tenerife
Varios son los motivos que nos han apartado temporalmente de nuestro blog, pero aquí estamos de nuevo, preparados para darte […]
Don’t know us yet?
In this short video you may get acquainted with the main activities we perform in CIMA (Spanish audio and English subtitles)
We take care of our clients
The best cover letter is a well done job and a satisfied customer